Training training training…
Well, today I gave myself an easy day, I started working on my visa for France , as an equestrian student, it felt relief to declare myself as such.
Last lesson with Delaida, Estelle told me that I have a better eye with that horse than with Igrene and today, in the lesson with Igrene, suddenly I didn't see the distance and suddenly I had some bad distance mistakes! Well, it's not that I have never had mistakes with her, just that today suddenly I was much focused on that. And yes, it isn't always easy for me to gauge a distance, but when I think about it, I do see it most of the time. And when the fences stood on 120 today, I was suddenly so focused, that it was the best jumping of the whole lesson. Because I felt that is not the time to be spoiled, that it's time to focus because it's could be dangerous if I do not, and that I have to be there for my horse!
On Friday I will have Liela, Lucy's horse, and I will jump with her, so for sure I will have more opportunities to jump until the competition. I am so sure that this is the correct way to do it: to get good exercise, to ride a lot, and to compete a lot.
I will see with Estelle about the next competition, since we are already late for the 30 of September, so maybe we will go to another competition before she goes to Egypt with Alex, her boyfriend.
Some thought about Sillas…
Did I tell you there is a 4 year old that I like here?
Well, yesterday the riding started not so nicely: he stood on two legs, but that was because the saddle was placed too far forward on his back.
Also, I am afraid of the fact that he reminds me Andalu, the last horse I bought that was from France …
But, I really liked his balance, and his stride, and his long neck, and his character; he is so nice, and so willing to learn and do the job, and he is good in his eyes.
But, 20,000 Euro, the price Estelle wants, is too much for him, I think. On the one hand, yes, maybe he will be a grand prix horse, but odds are that even if he can be, I will still need to teach him, for 4 years at least, and also compete, and pay for pension and lessons and competitions and, well, so when he will be worth more, he would probably also cost me as much as he worth till that day…
To buy a gelding horse is a bit disappointing, since if he cannot be good in the sport, I cannot really enjoy him any more.
But, when I think of it, I am not planning on opening tomorrow a new stable --Haras de la Nee 2-- therefore, I should not think so deeply on that. I have Igrene --knock on wood-- I also hope to have a foul from her one day. And Sillas? Well, Estelle told me he is her favorite, and I can understand why, so, do I want again two horses?
I think I do, since this is the perfect time for two horses of my own! I have so much time for them, and that can be really good for me. Three horses? I can deal with three, but I think that would be too much. Two is great, and I will train with other horses as well, so that will be more than enough.
And when I go back to Israel ? Then I will decide if I want to bring both of them, or maybe sell one of them. I don't want to sell Igrene: she is all the time proving to me how good she is, she also started calling me from the field, she started showing me how she does care for me. Even today, when I was so angry, and I felt like I could have killed someone, I even thought maybe it would be better if I didn't ride at all today…but, the moment I came to her, she made me smile, I immediately became so happy, that I knew, good or bad riding, I will ride today!
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